Student Stories

"It is rightly said that 'Life is not about chasing, it's about living'. At DYPU dream to become Pharma professional is realizing. Education, Extra-curricular activities at campus are providing continuous opportunity to learn from the professionals from academic, industry and life coaches to prepare and explore the industry.
Bhargavi Daware - B. Pharm Second Year

“My hobby is converted for entrepreneurial journey where university has taken role to motivate to start the enterprise.
Omkar Deotarse - B. Pharm Third Year

“Vyom serving a great platform to highlight the literary and artistic segment of DYPU SOP family and it's a best platform to inform, connect, inspire and entertain a diverse relationship including alumni, students, stakeholders and faculty”.
Harshita Agarwal - B. Pharm Final Year

“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra" DYPU SOP integrates talent with morality, ethics, and creative ideas.
Siddhesh Shelar - B. Pharm First Year

"DYPU SOP is a platform offering to learn new scientific areas, contemporary technology, quality, drug technology as a part of Pharmacy education”.