Student Life


Student life at DYPU revolves around a carefully designed and professionally managed curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular academic schedule with a primary focus on the holistic professional and personal development of students.
Starting with a 'Youth Leadership Programme', the orientation program for first-year students familiarizes them with the campus and academic life. It includes activities such as guest lectures, seminars, corporate meets, conferences, technical workshops, webinars, and study tours.


This includes Management and Leadership Games, Hackathons, RoboMake, Talent Hunt, Prototype Competitions, and many more flagship events of the campus.

a. Student Council

To provide a platform for management and leadership development, students are encouraged to plan, organize, and manage co-curricular activities at the university. To fulfill this objective, students annually elect a Student Council as the main student representative and governing body. Along with the Student Council, the university has constituted three additional committees—namely, the Student Welfare Committee, Sports Committee, Cultural Committee, and Youth Leadership Development Committee—to effectively manage student affairs on campus.

b. Mentoring

Faculty and industry experts use their wisdom and experience to guide individual students. This involves regular counseling and guidance to overcome personal and academic hurdles and monitoring of the students' overall progress.

c. Group Projects & Workshops

A successful professional life demands high-level working compatibility within a group. This requires interpersonal skills to deliver a project as part of a technical team or to negotiate with clients or stakeholders. To encourage students to develop these skills, most projects are designed as group work to be completed under the guidance of faculty and industry mentors.

d. Student Clubs

Students on the campus can pursue their passions in areas other than academics. The Campus Clubs, promoted by students for students, help engage in diverse interests and activities that enrich their socio-cultural and academic experiences. These include the Sports Club, Photography Club, Singing and Dancing Club, Film and Theatre Club, Book Reading and Storytelling Club, etc.